Find a small station that accepts volunteers first. You need to get experience, and work your way up. I don't know what it's like in the states, but in Canada I know small town fire stations only have volunteers. My dad also started as a volunteer, and now he's one of 4 captains and president of the union. Nuff said.
He handles the hiring in my city, and I know one of the main things he looks for is references. You have a good reference, your way more likely to get the job. And not someone you cat sit for, but a chief, captain, lieutenant, someone like that. And if you don't tell the references and they get called (which they will) your chances basically go down the tubes (one guys reference didn't even know he was moving stations. He didn't get hired) To get them, you need to volunteer and then move to a bigger fire station. In other words: volunteer, move to another station, and get as much experience as you can before applying at this fire station.
My dad also looks for guys that would fit in with the current employies. If your hard to live with, you won't get hired, it's that simple. So make yourself as likable as possible durin the interview. If you act like Sheldon off the Big Bang Theory do you really think you'll be hired?
As for the courses, I have no idea. EMT training is a must, but maybe take an additional CPR course (unless it's part of your EMT stuff. I have no clue if it is, I'm a 16 year old girl. I'd be happy if they just let me be Sparky in the parade :P)
I don't know what else to tell you, I was pretty little when my dad took all his courses (I wasn't even born yet when he took some of them) but maybe try to work at like, 3 fire halls before applying at this one? Again, it'll give you more experience. If you have any more questions, feel free to email me.