What type of jobs can I apply for with my Bachelor of Sociology and my experience with working at daycares?
2007-05-13 08:28:54 UTC
My degree is in Sociolgy and Women studies, and I have worked with children, as a Nanny and Daycare Teacher, I want to branch off.
Four answers:
Heather K
2007-05-14 19:13:05 UTC
Hi there -

You can obviously work in non-profit. If you enjoy working with children you can get a job working with children with disabilities as a "TSS" (Thereputic Support Staff). It usually pays around $12/hr - although it can be tough to get a full time position.

Also, consider taking the civil service exams for your state, and consider being a social worker or youth services worker. These usually have excellent benefits, although requirements vary by state.

I just graduated in December with my BA in Soc, and got a job working with my local Girl Scout council. Non-profits usually have some sort of "regional manager" that works with their volunteers, and these are nice if you can come by one. Good luck!
2007-05-13 09:10:03 UTC
This may not be what you want to hear however, your best bet is to pursue your MBA and continue towads your PHD.

At that point you will have the clout to educate at the mini um at the Junior College level but most likely a prestigious university.

Or there is always the alternative of medical research.

Hope this helps. Good Luck. B
2007-05-13 12:10:32 UTC


Follow instructions, you will find a career there. Good Luck
2007-05-13 08:32:41 UTC
Juvenile drug counseling is rewarding work

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